Monday, January 24, 2011

Oh Snap

The only somewhat relevant definition of a snap on Urban Dictionary is "a small amount of weed to be smoked from a bong or peice, usualy only enough for a good-sized hit." If I was the kind of person who updated this shit, I would add my own definition that would go something like this: "a bowl cleared by one person; varies in size depending on how high they want to get/how tough their lungs are." Check this guy out.

You see him spit on his floor after he took that? He's so high he doesn't give a fuck. Now I've seen YouTube videos of people who can do shit like this without dying, but I figured this one is a little more appropriate since it's closer to what would actually happen if any normal person tried to do it.

I have to admit this is one thing I just cannot advocate. Recording yourself smoke 2 grams of weed is only cool if a) you can actually do it or b) you're with a bunch of people who are all laughing at you fail. This guy just seems pathetic. Don't get me wrong, I like a good snap just as much as the next guy, but even I think 2.2 grams of any  kind of smoke in your lungs is a little excessive, and probably not very healthy.

So gather some friends around, pack the biggest bowl you can, and start practicing.

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