The more time I spend on Blogger, the more convinced I get that I may be in the wrong line of work. I'm not sure if any of you have hit the "Next Blog" button at the top of my site, but don't bother. You would think that, statistically speaking, you would eventually find one that interests you, but you'd also be wrong. I spent some time trying to get to know my fellow bloggers, and it turns out they're all very uninteresting.
Are these people really that bored? I mean I am, but I don't have three kids to take care of. Every other blog is about someone's family, which begs the question, who gives a fuck? I write about weed because I like it, and I know millions of other people do too.
This was the first blog that came up when I hit the button trying to prove my point, and fortunately for me, it's a perfect example. This guy even says in his header "Random thoughts, recollected and preserved, of little or no value". If it has little or no value... fuck it, I'm not even gonna bother.
P.S. You may have noticed this post had nothing to do with weed, and you're right. I'm branching out. In the spirit of the site, it being the place "where all those crazy ideas you had when you were high come true," I just had to share my frustration with The Blogosphere... The Bongosphere does a much better job, in my opinion.
P.S.S. Comments have been enabled! Share your own ideas, frustrations, or whatever else!